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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sorry I don't blog more often..

Heyo, I just realized that I've been a rather lazy blogger cause I haven't really set myself into this to hard, I just try to post something whenever I think of something cool to post, but I'm going to try getting more active in this, but right now I'm going to post links below to some excellent websites with lots good information, videos, tutorials and more:

The Melbourne Shuffle Oldskool (MSO) Blog; lots of good info and more, the owner of the page (Garry) is one of the original shufflers and posts regularly:

The MSO Forum; A forum for everything related to the Melbourne Shuffle, if you need information, want to show of your moves, or just ask questions regarding the shuffle this is the spot, this website is also managed by Garry: http://mso1.cultureforum.net/forum.htm

Learn to Shuffle; A website dedicated to bringing you tutorials on everything shuffle related, for example, the running man, the shuffle, hat moves, hand moves, kicks, spins you name it: http://learntoshuffle.com/

Phattpants; An excellent site with and lot of variety in phats and suspenders: http://phattpants.com/

Heatwave's Site; Another excellent website selling all sorts of shuffle related clothes including hoodies, phats, suspenders and even stuff to make your own phats: http://heatwaveonline.multiply.com/

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